Entries from March 3rd, 2007
Imagine regaining consciousness after some no-holds-barred, drink-yourself-into-a-coma, fall-asleep-in-your-own-fluids kind of party. It was fun while it lasted, but now your head aches as you surveil the dilapidated remains of last night’s hoopla. Sunday-afternoon doldrums dissolve any remembrance of dopamine-driven delight.
Picture that hollow, morning-after aftertaste. The realization that maybe, just maybe, you took things too far. […]
Tags: Opinion · Consumerism · Environmentalism · Extinction · Society

The underground comic godfather R. Crumb, drew a twelve-paneled comic in 1979 entitled “A Short History of America.” The first panel shows a forest on the edge of a field, green and lush with a flock of birds across a blue sky. By the last panel the forest is gone and the field obliterated. In its place are metal lamp poles, multilayered telephone wires and posts, a crowd of street signs and billboards, cement sidewalks, asphalt paved streets and parking lots, a traffic jam of hulking cars, TV antennas, apartment complexes, one exceedingly small patch of token greenery, and a question in the bottom right corner asking “What Next?” […]
Tags: Opinion · Sprawl
How ExxonMobil and the Whitehouse have duped the public about the "uncertainty" behind climate change.

If you’ve seen Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, allegations that the Bush Administration manipulated federally-funded studies in order to downplay the threat of global warming are hardly any surprise. These manipulations have expectedly muddied the picture on global warming throughout the general public’s mindscape.
But now Congress is finally taking notice. […]
Tags: Current Events · Climate Change · Global Warming · Science
The Senate’s too passive to cut off surge funding. Democrats aren’t weak in numbers – just courage.
The Senate Armed Services Committee held a hearing in February on whether certain civilian officials in the Pentagon manipulated intelligence to support the Administration’s decision to go to war against Iraq four years ago. At the end of the hearing, the committee’s new chairman, Senator Carl Levin, wagged his finger at the Pentagon’s Inspector General, calling the report the most “devastating” he’d seen in his Senate career. Levin, it seemed, hadn’t been quite steamed about anything in a while – including the President’s recent unveiling of the troop “surge.” […]
Tags: Current Events · Antiwar · Democrats · War
A Call for an Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq

Last November, many Americans were celebrating the new Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Outrage and concern over the Iraq War had forced Democratic and Republican candidates to address not only the government’s decision to go to war, but also the handling of the war since 2003. More often than not, candidates who advocated a change in course were elected. These results clearly challenged the Bush administration policy of “staying the course.”
But rather than heeding the voice of the people, on Jan. 11 President Bush dismissed overwhelming disapproval of the war, ignored military advisors’ skepticism over a “surge” in forces, and announced an increase of 21,500 troops in Iraq.[…]
Tags: Current Events · Antiwar · Protest · War