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Entries from March 3rd, 2007

Baby Boom

How American “culture of life” policies are helping balloon the world population

March 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

The world is changing.

Sociologists are already writing epitaphs for many of Earth’s declining industrialized nations on one hand, while scratching their heads over how to curb ballooning populations in the third world with the other.

It took 200 years to go from one billion to six billion people worldwide and it may only take 50 years to double that figure. […]


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The Return of the Singer/Songwriter

March 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

As we race into the 21st Century, music — like much else — seems sadly lacking in originality. Everything has roots and nearly every new avenue somewhat retraces the steps of a bygone era. Just in the last fifteen years of music, we’ve witnessed several sonic rebirths that have faded as quickly as they had become sensations. […]


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March 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

It’s May again. The new leaves fill the branches of the trees in front of my window and make it hard to see what is happening outside—their green brilliance does this each spring. Sometimes I still hear bits and scattered pieces of conversation (voices) through my window, sometimes if…


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