Let’s be humbly honest. We don’t really know what folks are describing when they use words like God or Allah or Oneness. None of us can be absolutely sure if the beliefs entire afterlives are gambled on are the least bit valid. And even assuming the unlikely scenario that one of the world’s religions is right about everything it purports, what are the odds that you’re lucky enough to be counted among its adherents? Certainly not very high, considering the number of possible choices.
Why then are most of us so sure about things we can’t possibly be sure about? […]
Tags: Opinion · Religion · Society · Spirituality

Having trouble rationalizing your passive-aggressive tendencies toward the War in Iraq? Fear not my friend! I’ve compiled a handy-dandy list of reasons not to protest the war – even though you utterly hate it – that will bring piece of mind while still allowing you to rant and rave ‘til your big ol’ heart’s content!
Tags: Opinion · Antiwar · Comedy · Protest
I am a brainwashed, bleeding-heart liberal. Everything I say is naïve at best and corrosive at worst. I have made detrimental deductions about the state of affairs on this blue-green orb based on lies the liberal media and my college professors told me.
How they hate America. How they’d love to let the terrorists win. […]
Tags: Opinion · Ann Coulter · Liberalism · Satire
Imagine regaining consciousness after some no-holds-barred, drink-yourself-into-a-coma, fall-asleep-in-your-own-fluids kind of party. It was fun while it lasted, but now your head aches as you surveil the dilapidated remains of last night’s hoopla. Sunday-afternoon doldrums dissolve any remembrance of dopamine-driven delight.
Picture that hollow, morning-after aftertaste. The realization that maybe, just maybe, you took things too far. […]
Tags: Opinion · Consumerism · Environmentalism · Extinction · Society

The underground comic godfather R. Crumb, drew a twelve-paneled comic in 1979 entitled “A Short History of America.” The first panel shows a forest on the edge of a field, green and lush with a flock of birds across a blue sky. By the last panel the forest is gone and the field obliterated. In its place are metal lamp poles, multilayered telephone wires and posts, a crowd of street signs and billboards, cement sidewalks, asphalt paved streets and parking lots, a traffic jam of hulking cars, TV antennas, apartment complexes, one exceedingly small patch of token greenery, and a question in the bottom right corner asking “What Next?” […]
Tags: Opinion · Sprawl