Artists and Professors Examine God’s Place in America

Whether it’s jazz, hip-hop, or rock, music is often born of the two headed beast of religion and politics. While in the hands of the much-maligned Bush Administration, the country has seen an explosion of politically fueled records. And given the influence of religion on today’s divided political landscape, it’s no surprise that many musicians have also been grappling with notions about God.
With over two decades in one of music’s most influential punk bands, Bad Religion frontman Greg Graffin has been one of the most outspoken voices on religion in society. Holding a master’s in geology from UCLA and a Ph.D. from Cornell University, Graffin will soon pack up the road gear from this year’s Warped Tour and head to UCLA where he teaches life science courses. […]
Tags: Features · Books · Music · Religion
Millions of Christians think the end times are imminent this year, as they were in 2006, and 2005, and 2004, and… you get the idea.

A 2006 survey for the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. They found 79 percent of American Christians believe in the second coming, and 20 percent believe it will happen in their lifetime. Yikes! A quick overview of the power of doomsday mythology.
Tags: Nonfiction · Armageddon · Rapture · Religion

Having trouble rationalizing your passive-aggressive tendencies toward the War in Iraq? Fear not my friend! I’ve compiled a handy-dandy list of reasons not to protest the war – even though you utterly hate it – that will bring piece of mind while still allowing you to rant and rave ‘til your big ol’ heart’s content!
Tags: Opinion · Antiwar · Comedy · Protest
Making War Cool as Hell

When George W. Bush hitched a ride on a Navy S-3B Viking and landed on the USS Abraham Lincoln to declare an end to major combat operations in Iraq, there was more at work than just slick PR. Bush, who was visibly thrilled by the experience, enabled the American public to vicariously share in the excitement of an aircraft carrier landing. All around the country, viewing audiences reveled in his machismo display of technology. […]
Tags: Essays · Entertainment · Militarism · War
What's really happening in Iraq... and everywhere else.
Three primates died today while traveling in a motorized vehicle in an arid region between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. Although we can state nothing with absolute certainty, the three “humans” — basically hairless, cognitively advanced monkeys with a striking genetic similarity to the common chimpanzee — were most likely killed by some sort of explosive device as it incinerated the vehicle beneath them. Over six thousand miles away, another primate of the same species claimed that those killed were members of a group he called “The United States Army.” Upon further investigation, membership in this “army” is marked chiefly by clothing, as well as by certain behavioral traits. The exact purpose of the army’s presence in the region, called “Iraq” by some, is under fierce debate.
Tags: Nonfiction · Philosophy · Truth · War