Entries Tagged as 'AI'
The Future of War: Part 1 of 3

Time and again, intellectuals and artists alike have prophesized bleak futures for a race whose technology and hubris have far exceeded its wisdom. So, if the wet-dreams of futurists within the U.S. Department of Defense come to fruition — far-reaching ambitions to apply robotics in the battlefield, bioengineer the perfect soldiers, and command complete dominance of Space — let us not forget: we have been warned.
Robotic warfare. Part one of a three part series.
Tags: Essays · AI · Robots · Science · War
Extinction via merging with AI brings the promise of immortality.

“Artificial Intelligence,” quipped one Stanford engineer,” is the science of how to get machines to do the things they do in movies.”
Let us hope that is not the case. Given the inherent unpredictability of the forthcoming emergence of AI, perhaps it was fitting creative artists-rather than technological gurus-were the first to offer an opinion on what the arrival of artificial intelligence might mean to the world. But instead of being treated to imaginative predictions, audiences were subjected to twenty years of adulterated AI, bastardized to justify hours of senseless violence.
Tags: Philosophy · AI · Science
Aunty always told him never to leave home. She warned him that no good would come of it. He knew that outside was off limits to little boys, but his curiosity was insatiable.
He should have listened, because now he’s lost. He’s scared, and alone. More important, he’s probably going to die. […]
Tags: Fiction · AI · Robots · Sci-Fi