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Entries Tagged as 'Indigenous'

The Best of Intentions

January 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

Once in a while a friend or relative will inform me, enthusiastically ecstatic, that they are headed off to some foreign land for missionary work. Unassailable on their moral high ground and armed with benevolent yet insidious weaponry – you know, peachy platitudes like vaccines, schools, modernization – their eyes twinkle with altruistic intentions as they expect me to share in their “doing the right thing” intoxication.

Righteous delusions aside, the reality of the situation is that each of these potential mouthpieces for Judeo-Christian cosmology are complicit in an ongoing catastrophe. […]


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Symbiotic Relationship

How Technology is Saving the Rainforest

January 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

To some, the technological prowess of our culture is seen as the ultimate destructive mechanization – responsible for everything from our current global ecological crisis to the general feelings of isolation and loneliness afflicting the modern world.

But is this necessarily the case? […]


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