Entries Tagged as 'Media'
May 3rd, 2007 · Written by · No Comments

”I would rather be dumb than be a slut, but I would rather be a slut than be fat or ugly.”
This statement was made by an 18-year-old girl taking part in Lauren Greenfield’s widely acclaimed traveling photo series entitled “Girl Culture.” In the series, Greenfield photographs women and young girls, displaying their thoughts about their bodies and the obsessions resulting from the Westernized view of ideal beauty alongside the photos.
Unfortunately, statements such as this have become all too familiar among the youth of America. […]
Tags: Essays · Eating Disorder · Feminism · Media

What do you get when you cross the Christian Coalition and pro-gun advocates with MoveOn.org and the Feminist Majority? If you guessed a brawl of epic proportions, you’d be wrong. These groups, and others from across the political spectrum, are actually working together towards a common goal: saving the Internet as we know it.
Tags: Current Events · Internet · Media · Net Neutrality · Technology
Chances are you’re a product of psychological warfare. Overwhelmed by the failings of the fourth estate. Mainstream media outlets have been redesigned to distance and absolve the viewer from the repercussions of an administration’s actions. It’s always easier to feel good about a war when it’s witnessed vicariously.
It’s easier to agree with an educational policy a pundit’s been paid $241,000 to promote. […]
Tags: Opinion · Journalism · Media · Propaganda